No Crust Zone (Kids Page)

No Crust Zone (Kids Page)

No Crust Zone (Kids Page)

Color Dr. Doughlittle and Crusty McLoaf

Click the button below in order to download a PDF that kids can use to color these crazy characters.

How do you make a bread roll?
Answer: Push it down a hill.

What did one slice of bread say to the other before the race?
Answer: You’re toast!

What did one slice of bread say to the other slice of bread when he saw some butter and jam on the table?

Answer: We’re toast!

Why did the baker throw in a dozen lemons to his bread mix?
Answer: He wanted to make sour dough.

What did the slice of bread say to the other when he was challenging him to a fight?
Answer: Crumb and get some.

What kind of dog did the baker have?
Answer: A pure bread.

Why wouldn’t the slice of bread sit near the fireplace?
Answer: It was far too toasty for him.

What did the loaf of bread buy for his girlfriend for Valentines Day?
Answer: Flours


“Loaves of Fun” provides a unique bread making experience for students in grades Pre-K thru 6th. We bring math, science, language arts and social studies lessons learned in the classroom to life for students. Children will spend ninety minutes engaged in learning while they are collaborating with a partner, measuring out their own ingredients, creating mixtures, following directions, and having good, old fashioned messy fun!



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