Who said Dolphins don’t like bread?

Who said Dolphins don’t like bread?

Who said Dolphins don’t like bread?

Who said Dolphins don’t like bread?

We had the absolute BEST time today with 111 5th grade students from Centennial Lane Elementary School. We started first thing this morning, but these students came in ready to go. They were on a roll with answering all our math and science questions. A real slice above the rest! We even got to sing along and listen to some cool tunes. Who needs anything else while kneading our dough! Thank you so much for having us Centennial Lane. We hope to be able to visit you again soon.


“Loaves of Fun” provides a unique bread making experience for students in grades Pre-K thru 6th. We bring math, science, language arts and social studies lessons learned in the classroom to life for students. Children will spend ninety minutes engaged in learning while they are collaborating with a partner, measuring out their own ingredients, creating mixtures, following directions, and having good, old fashioned messy fun!



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