1st batch of bread at Woodridge Elementary!

1st batch of bread at Woodridge Elementary!

1st batch of bread at Woodridge Elementary!

1st batch of bread at Woodridge Elementary!

What a day!! Woodridge Elementary School was so very welcoming. We started the day with our littlest bakers and read a story together on the importance of being a good friend and helping one another. These Pre-K and Kindergarten students could not be stumped – they knew all the literary elements to the story. We hope that they enjoy all of their hard work and have some yummy bread tonight with their dinner. BUT we didn’t stop there – in the afternoon we met the 3rd and 4th graders who came into the cafeteria attentive and ready to work. They discussed the science behind baking bread and even made a chemical reaction! We can’t wait to go back again tomorrow…


“Loaves of Fun” provides a unique bread making experience for students in grades Pre-K thru 6th. We bring math, science, language arts and social studies lessons learned in the classroom to life for students. Children will spend ninety minutes engaged in learning while they are collaborating with a partner, measuring out their own ingredients, creating mixtures, following directions, and having good, old fashioned messy fun!



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