Blog & News

Blog & News

Who said Dolphins don’t like bread?
Who said Dolphins don’t like bread?

We had the absolute BEST time today with 111 5th grade students from Centennial Lane Elementary School. We started first thing this morning, but these students came in ready to go. They were on a roll with answering all our math and science questions. A real slice above the rest! We even got to sing […]

Fun times at Clarksville Elementary School!
Fun times at Clarksville Elementary School!

What a FUN afternoon at Clarksville Elementary School! We met over 70 of the smartest 2nd graders we have ever met. They knew all about chemical reactions and even taught me a few new synonyms for the word odor. Crusty and I even got to take a few selfies with some of our new friends. […]

Dr. Doughlittle visits Virginia
Dr. Doughlittle visits Virginia

Crusty McLoaf and I got to travel for the first time to Virginia today! And it was Berryville VA – which sounded delicious! We got to meet 75 3rd graders who were an active and eager group. We tried many times to stump them with some hard math and science questions but they were too […]

2nd batch of bread at Woodridge Elementary
2nd batch of bread at Woodridge Elementary

Day 2 at Woodridge did not disappoint! The 1st and 2nd graders were a rise above the rest! We had a great time using our five senses to discuss the steps to starting from an empty bowl to ending up with a yummy dough that will turn into the most delicious bread! Just when we […]

1st batch of bread at Woodridge Elementary!
1st batch of bread at Woodridge Elementary!

What a day!! Woodridge Elementary School was so very welcoming. We started the day with our littlest bakers and read a story together on the importance of being a good friend and helping one another. These Pre-K and Kindergarten students could not be stumped – they knew all the literary elements to the story. We […]

A delicious time at Crofton Woods Elementary!
A delicious time at Crofton Woods Elementary!

Crusty McLoaf and I met 128 of the coolest 2nd graders in Anne Arundel County! They arrived with great energy for learning and most importantly making bread. They truly rose to the occasion. Crofton Woods Elementary proved to be a great place for a discussion on chemical reactions and the science of making bread. Those […]


“Loaves of Fun” provides a unique bread making experience for students in grades Pre-K thru 6th. We bring math, science, language arts and social studies lessons learned in the classroom to life for students. Children will spend ninety minutes engaged in learning while they are collaborating with a partner, measuring out their own ingredients, creating mixtures, following directions, and having good, old fashioned messy fun!



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