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15+ Awesome Lessons You Can Teach Kids Through Baking Bread
15+ Awesome Lessons You Can Teach Kids Through Baking Bread

by Laura Hudgens at In the early days of the Coronavirus crisis, pandemic trends sprang up across the country. And while some have come and gone (see ya, Tiger King) baking bread seems to be here to stay. That’s probably because, once people discover the satisfying feeling of dough between their fingers, that enticing, […]

The countdown is officially on!
The countdown is officially on!

“Loaves of Fun” is set to host its first bread making show in just a few short weeks.


“Loaves of Fun” provides a unique bread making experience for students in grades Pre-K thru 6th. We bring math, science, language arts and social studies lessons learned in the classroom to life for students. Children will spend ninety minutes engaged in learning while they are collaborating with a partner, measuring out their own ingredients, creating mixtures, following directions, and having good, old fashioned messy fun!



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